Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I suck, I voted Kinky

So I voted for Kinky Friedman. Shit, like his campaign slogan said, why the hell not?

For the rest of the ballot, with two other exceptions, I voted straight-ticket Libertarian. Texas 15 I voted for one of the Republicans. I can't remember his name. The one that wasn't the hispanic. And the other one was some obscure statewide position that escapes me cause I didn't want the Democrat to win.

All others with an uncontested Democrat I just abstained. Hell if I'm giving any sort of approval for those people. Especially not now.

So the Democrats took the house and there are still two Senate seats being counted and scrutinized. This doesn't please me. Now I guess I can expect two years of pointless investigations headed by the first female and socialist Speaker of the House.

Well, at least Texas refused to tilt left. Republicans aren't worth much per se, but the fact that we elect pretty good conservative types (and libertarian, go Ron Paul!) is a plus. I can't say as much for the rest of the South. I get this feeling that one or two Southern States will break with the rest and get some left-wing jack off elected President. The closeness of the race in Virginia makes me wonder about the future.

Well, whatever. The Republicans didn't do much to actually deserve to retain the House. It really is their own damn fault. Maybe we'll see them work better in opposition? Go back to them small government principles? That would be great. Let the Democrats fuck shit up for two years and then run on good principles and ideas. That would be good. This is, of course, assuming the Republicans don't fuck themselves more over the next two years. Oh well, we'll see.

Still, gotta love democracy. It's just so exciting!


Blogger Unknown said...

Politics is like a playground basketball game. Or even a game of pool in a pool hall. The winner keeps the court/table.

6:11 AM  

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