Monday, October 09, 2006

Kinky Friedman

So as boring as it is it leaves me time to do things like...decide who I'm gonna vote for!

I'm this close...THIS voting for Kinky Friedman. Why? Why not? Perry did the dumbest thing by encouraging New Orleans refugees to set up shop in Houston. Hello skyrocketing crime rate! For that alone he deserves to lose. Honestly, I just don't care for him much. He's not a horrifically bad governor, but he's nto great. Strayhorn? Well, she's a good comptroller. She should stay there really. Chris Bell? Not on your life! Libertarian? That's pretty much my default candidate.

Kinky? Well he is crazy. He's unprincipled. He's all over the place. More of a govern-by-common-sense-but-not-much-else kinda guy. All hat, no cattle. But honestly? Fuck it, he's got a fairly slim slim super-slim chance of winning and I am really pissed with the two party system. At least Kinky is noticeable enough that a vote for him can be a nice big fuck you.

On the other hand? I hate the idea of protest votes. I would rather vote fr a guy I actually agree with then anything else. I do tend to be more agreeable to Kinky but he talks over-broadly.

Damn, I'm so torn. It doesn't help him that he rather liked Lopez Obrador in Mexico. Also there's the head of the Texas Nation of Islam he wants to give an appointment to. WAH?!?!?! Oh man, scary thought. He likes to talk about how he's outside the good ole boy network, but sometimes that can be a good thing.

I don't know, I still have a month so I can sit on it until then.


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