Thursday, August 28, 2008

DC Universe Last Will and Testament review


One of the AICN Assholes called the first three issues of Morrison's Final Crisis something like creeping evil and I called bullshit.

This issue is the proof.

Meltzer does in one issue what Morrison failed to do in three.

The supposed theme in Final Crisis is, what's the ad line, "The Day Evil Won." Well, shit, you could have fooled me. You want that sense of dread and foreboding? That sense of bad shit is gonna happen and we have no fucking clue what the hell is going on? THIS is that issue! In this issue we actually get that feeling that something is happening.

The issue centers around Geo-Force seeking revenge against Deathstroke for the death of his sister in the Teen Titans story, The Judas Contract (which is cool cause I just got that collection in this week). Around that we see the reactions of other heroes to the events going on around them. There's no light, the Earth feels like it's stopped rotating. Places are shrouded in darkness. The apocalypse is near. People seek family, God, whatever it is that comforts them. Batman and Robin and Nightwing go on the prowl. Superman seeks the sage wisdom of his father. Wonder Woman and Donna Troy seek to prepare for battle in the ways of Greek warriors of old. (The sorta stuff Morrison is trying and failing to do.) Geo-Force seeks revenge. He seeks guidance, someone to change his mind. Someone to tell him it's okay, go for it. Kill him, it's the end of the world. And anyway, who cares, look who you're going after. So he's conflicted.

The issue plays out quite well. The fight between Geo-Force and Deathstroke is hardcore, if because Deathstroke just beas the piss out of Geo-Force. The way the fight ends was, to me, pretty shocking. Meltzer might have pussed out a teensy bit but it was still a helluva crazy scene.

This issue should be regarded as Final Crisis...I don't know, #3.1 I suppose. It's well before the end of issue three, certainly. I guess it takes place during issue three. I'm just shocked that Meltzer, in one issue, destroys everything that Morrison was attempting to do in three. I don't know what DC was thinking. Sure, Morrison can be great when he wants to be but he forgot to craft a comic book story. Meltzer might get overly sentimental at times, but he keeps his head on straight and can move things forward. This issue is certainly a testament to that.


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