Saturday, November 11, 2006

Fucking Amazon!

Okay, so I ordered a few things from Amazon.

Animaniacs vol. one
Slayer - Christ Illusion
Project Creation

Woo! Stuff!

I like stuff. Stuff is great. I like Amazon because they provide me with stuff which I think is great. Great stuff at Amazon is what I'm trying to say.

What I hate is when they FUCK UP!

Amazon, as of late, has developed the habit of getting unnecessary credit card preauthorizations. Like a buck. So, seeing as how I use a debit card, it'll throw off my balance by a buck. Not a problem, it gets put back and a buck is not something I fret over.

However, when I go in to deposit my check and balance my checkbook with the bank's statement I do NOT want to see a difference of $38 fucking dollars! I have plenty of money in my account so $38 bucks isn't a big loss but when it comes to money I am what you can simply call a huge fucking Jew.

So I think, well maybe I lost a reciept and didn't put it in my checkbook. I walk over, graba copy of my last bunch of charges, flip over and...AHA! Right there! A preauth of $38 fucking dollars...extra!

Now it's just a preauth and Amazon won't actually charge it, but it's all the same with a debit card. A simple, forgivable mistake. Still, I about shit a brick.

Thank you, Amazon

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